The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) published the Universities’ Preparedness and Response Towards Multi-Hazards: COVID-19, Natural, and Human-Induced Hazards, which is the case studies report prepared by Associate Professor Takako Izumi (Tohoku University, Japan), Professor Rajib Shaw (Keio University, Japan), and Vice Director Hui Zhang (Tsinghua University, China). The case study of “Thailand: Chulalongkorn University” prepared by Professor Supot Teachavorasinskun, D.Eng. (Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University) and Assistant Professor Natt Leelawat, D.Eng. (Assistant Dean for Communications and International Affairs, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University) is also included in this publication
Teachavorasinskun, S. & Leelawat, N. (2021). THAILAND: Chulalongkorn University. In T. Izumi, R. Shaw, & H. Zhang (Eds.) Universities’ Preparedness and Response Towards Multi-Hazards: COVID-19, Natural, and Human-Induced Hazards (pp. 48-50). Miyagi: Tohoku University.
The case studies publication is available to download from