Special Scholarship Program (SSP), Doctoral program at Kochi University of Technology, Japan

Kochi University of Technology (KUT)’s objective is ‘Making KUT a world class university through the pursuit of unique excellence’. We are inviting those who understand this objective, who have a desire to study, and who have strong will and aspire to become advanced engineers or researchers so as to take an active role in society in the future. We are hoping to accept students who 1) understand the educational policy and objectives of each course, 2) have strong interest, motivation and sense of purpose in the technical field and 3) have the basic academic skill necessary for study at KUT Graduate School of Engineering.

Application Deadline: September 16, 2022

Program of Study: Doctoral Program (3 years) Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering

For SSP Application Guidelines, please visit

For more information, please contact International Relations Center,
Kochi University of Technology Tosayamada
TEL: +81-887-53-1130