Call for participants in 2023 CCU/CoE International Internship Program

The 2023 CCU/CoE International Internship Program is open to apply. The application deadline is 1 March 2023.

This project-based program is open for junior bachelor, master, and doctoral students in the engineering field. It allows students to do research in the laboratory under the guidance of the project mentor. During the internship period, the students will acquire new competence, communicate with team members, and experience a different culture.

The intern period is at least 8 weeks, mainly between May and December. The students need to start the internships no later than the end of December. In some cases, the internship may last until next February.

Attached please find the brochure of the “2023 CCU/CoE International Internship Program.” The file contains the research topics and application information, including eligibility, intern period, scholarship, application materials, and the online application link.

More information may be found on the application website or